Real conversations about growth towards God, friendship, and living intentionally.

A three month web-based cohort program.

Jesus is the best example. He grew in wisdom, stature and favor with God and man (Luke 2:52).

  • Wisdom - Intellectual Growth

  • Stature - improving your health and wellness

  • Favor with God - Spiritual Growth

  • Favor with Man - Community, Family, and Friendships

This cohort program works to develop growth In these four areas.

Most men feel alone in this world.

We are building community and intentional accountability.

Many men are failing, losing marriages, feeling isolated, and living aimlessly. They have mid-life crises, lack of discipline, and need role models. We are in the business of helping men grow into their calling, first as men of God, as a leader of their family, in their work lives, and as a leader to their friends.


  • Weekly small group zoom call cohort for 3 months, providing accountability, personal and spiritual growth

  • Cohorts are limited to 10 men

  • Cost $200 a month