What matters most in leadership?


You may be thinking, “I’m not a leader.” To which I would interject, “Not so fast, my friend!” 

Everyone is a leader because each of us has influence and everyone is an example to someone else. Think for a moment of your circles of influence: family, friends, work, neighborhood, church, community, and even on social media. You are a leader.

According to indeed.com the Top 10 leadership traits are accountability, adaptability, confidence, creativity, empathy, focus, positivity, risk-taking, stability and team-building.

Stop and ask yourself, “How am I doing as a leader?” Or even better, “How do I want to be doing as a leader?” If you evaluate your effectiveness based on the qualities provided by Indeed, then none of us may be very effective. But are those the characteristics that matter the most?

Real leadership has always been built on a strong character. It’s not just a role one plays; it’s a life one leads (Leadership First).

You may be thinking of things you need to do in order to be a better leader, such as:

·      Read the latest book on leadership

·      Get another degree or certification

·      Attend a conference, seminar or training

·      Get more experience

·      Find the right mentor 

Those are all worthy to pursue and may help you become a better leader, but they are not at the heart of leadership. They are not what matters most.

No competent leader is going to be anxious to impress people with his/her credentials. Leaders who are truly able are qualified because of their character (John MacArthur).

Character is key and is defined with words such as moral or ethical quality, honesty, courage, integrity, and reputation. You may have heard that character is how you act when no one is watching.

You are a leader. If you want to improve your leadership, work on your character.

The Apostle Paul offers advice on developing character in his letter to the Philippians:

“Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.”

Less negative, more positive.

Less opinion, more truth.

Less “news” from media, more GOOD news.

Speak less, listen more.

Yes indeed, character counts and matters the most. How are you developing yours?

Make it happen.


One month in, how you doing?


What’s the loudest voice in your head?