When did you last act with courage?


My youngest son is currently south of the border. That’s not a figure of speech. He’s in Tiajuana, Mexico. He’s 27 and doesn’t have to tell us what he’s doing, but all we knew was that he was going to San Diego for a photo shoot. What he didn’t tell us was that the exact location was down the Baja Peninsula. And it’s a good thing he kept that part quiet because I have a feeling his mom would have found a way to prevent him from going due to thoughts of banditos, drug lords, and big bad guys ready to pounce on a Texas kid with lots of photo equipment and a big smile. 

Ever heard “better safe than sorry?” I guess that guideline has its place, but it will also prevent lots of fun, adventure and making memories. It is possible that if you always play it safe, you’ll be sorry because of all the opportunities you’ll miss out on.

My youngest may have had his older brother in mind and didn’t want to be outdone, and he had to go a step farther. When the older was in his first year of marriage and living in Phoenix, he and his wife took a trip to San Diego. What they wisely kept from us was that they slipped across the border and spent the weekend in Tiajuana. 

Our boys work together in their own business doing photo, video, and other quality creative work (www.tallviewpro.com), just as I am self-employed. We have learned that we share a similar work philosophy – FIO. When we are asked by a client or potential client if we can do something we’ve never tried or out of our wheelhouse, we typically respond, “Of course we can do that!” Even though we don’t know with certainty that we can pull it off, the answer is usually “Yes” and we Figure It Out and find a way to make it happen.

If you wait until you’re ready and fully-prepared, you may never act.

You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.

Never turn down an opportunity.

If Peter hadn’t got out of the boat and stepped forward on faith, he would never have walked on water. You may say, “But he sank.” But before he sank, he also walked on water with Jesus!

When you are hesitant, unsure and begin to consider all the risks, please stop and think of all the potential rewards. Life is short and there may be an incredibly rewarding opportunity through which God can bless you, but you must act with courage.

Be wise, but also be strong and courageous.

Make it happen. Adventure awaits!


What Good Does Today Hold?


One month in, how you doing?