How are you preparing for 2021?

Donald Miller recently shared that he is optimistic about next year and asked his listeners, “Are you ready to take advantage of the positive wave coming in 2021?” Whether there is a positive wave or not, I’m convinced that it will be what we make it. If we expect and prepare to suffer from continued challenges, then 2021 will be another rough year. But if we expect and prepare to take advantage of opportunities, then 2021 can be a great year!

Love is but a song we sing, and fear's the way we die
You can make the mountains ring, or make the angels cry
Though the bird is on the wing, and you may not know why

C'mon people now, smile on your brother
Ev'rybody get together, try to love one another right now

As a follow-up from last week’s message to finish this year strong, my wife and I decided to be intentional about reaching out to folks we know who are hurting and could use a lift. Amazingly, but I’m learning not surprisingly, I was informed of a couple at church who were both suffering recent health challenges. In addition to that, these folks have such big hearts they had taken in a younger family with 5 kids who were taking their own ride on the struggle bus! My wife makes a mean pumpkin cake, so I asked her if she had time to prepare one that we could share with these 9 living together in a 3-bedroom house.

Some will come and some will go, and we shall surely pass
When the one that left us here, returns for us at last
We are but a moment's sunlight, fading in the grass

C'mon people now, smile on your brother
Ev'rybody get together, try to love one another right now

As a result of one suggestion from a friend and the decision to act on it, we lived into the idea to be intentional about finishing the year strong by helping others. This was not a quick and easy commitment either. Buying the needed ingredients, preparing and baking the cake was at least three hours. Then we discovered these folks live thirty minutes out in the country, which was closer to 45 by the time we found our way to their place.. Then there was the pit bull staring us down in the front yard and my wife saying, “I’m not getting out of the truck!”

If you hear the song we sing, you will understand
You hold the key to love and fear, all in your trembling hand
Just one key unlocks them both, it's there at your command

C'mon people now, smile on your brother
Ev'rybody get together, try to love one another right now

 After visiting, catching up, hearing about their struggles and upcoming challenges, we prayed together and drove away. As always, what was intended to be a blessing for others turned out to also be a huge blessing for us. We are designed for community. We need to be with family, friends and others in fellowship to share, to love and to provide hope and purpose.

As we wind down 2020, be intentional about the discipline of time with others. Don’t go solo. It may seem safe and secure, but it’s not; it’s lonely. Prepare to start strong in 2021 by finishing with the determination to be a friend, check on others and be in community.

To help plant a reminder, listen to The Youngbloods sing “Get Together” from 1967:

C'mon people now, smile on your brother
Ev'rybody get together, try to love one another right now


What’s so wonderful about it?


Are you preparing to finish well?