What’s so wonderful about it?


Are you fan of Christmas? After all, It’s the most wonderful time of the year, right?

 If you’re dealing with stress and what was supposed to have been “the much-anticipated year of 2020” that has instead dealt you a blow, then you may be feeling extra-Scrooge-like. And the kids jingle belling and everyone telling you “Be of good cheer!”, makes you want to yell, “Hey, pipe down, punks!” And if you are having a tough time finding your good cheer, I hear you.

But it is in hard times when opportunity knocks. It still may not be the hap-happiest season of all. You may not want to hear any of those holiday greetings and gay happy meetings when friends come to call. You cannot stand the thought that there will be no parties for hosting, marshmallows for toasting and caroling out in the snow.

But if you’re hurting, perhaps you’ve got more debt than normal, and you’re struggling to maintain good health, then call a time-out to stop and think. Think about the glories of Christmases long, long ago. Surely, you’ve got some good Christmas memories…

·      What is your earliest Christmas you can recall?

·      What was a cherished gift you received? Do you still have it?

·      Have you ever had a white Christmas?

·      Who do you have Christmas memories with?

·      Who do you remember opening a special gift you gave them?

Hearts will be glowing when loved ones are near. If you don’t have plans to be with family or friends, then you still have time to make it happen. Memories are sweeter when shared. Think of ways to make your time together a little more special this year. Make a memory and cherish the moment. Perhaps there will be several memories and many moments to cherish. But the bottom line is to be present and enjoy the time together.

There is word that the Christmas Star will be visible this year, first time in centuries. Whether or not it is THE Start of Bethlehem, it makes me think of the very first Christmas when Christ was born. And I’m still not worthy to have Him as my Savior. But I have hope because I know God loves me. And He loves you.

It is indeed the most wonderful time of the year. Don’t miss the magical moments.

And if they don’t seem to be there, create them!

Make it happen and Merry Christmas.


How do you handle the peaks and valleys?


How are you preparing for 2021?