What’s Next?

camp blue haven mountains.jpg

Happy Memorial Day, a holiday to honor those who have given their lives in military service to our country. One of those is my college roommate who died serving as a Marine (thanks Nez). One photo I saw over the weekend showed the contrast between the troops at Normandy and a crowded shoreline of sun-bathers, with the caption, “Enjoy your day at the beach, but be thankful for those who gave their lives at the beach (Normandy)!”

This weekend also serves as the beginning of summer for many of us, especially if you work at a school, college or university, or have kids who live by an academic calendar. For many, the school year ended last week, you may have to return to campus tomorrow for a teachers’ workday, but you can breathe a sigh of relief because it is summer break. Therefore, the question is appropriate, What’s Next? And what do you have planned?

For the most part, the masks are off and things have opened up, so I hope you have a trip planned to get away, get outside, get some sun, and perhaps even get ready for good things to come, because they are coming.

For the past 15-20 years, we have enjoyed spending the first full week of June in the mountains of New Mexico, not far from Las Vegas, NM at Camp Blue Haven. Last summer we missed the tradition and there was no camp due to COVID restrictions, which makes this year even more anticipated. The break from the Texas heat and humidity is absolutely refreshing. We start each day in a hoodie, which comes off after breakfast when the sun is warming, but the hoodies return each night when the sun sets.

Even though the setting is stunning and the weather perfect for camp, the focus is on people, making friends, building relationships, personal face-to-face conversations, and reminding kids that God loves them, no matter what.

One of the most remarkable strengths of this camp is that they have stuck to the "no cell phone" policy. Once camp begins, phones are not seen and the rule hardly has to be enforced because they have never strayed from it, and it is expected, even embraced by campers. They understand the benefits of taking a needed break from online fixation.

Quite a contrast, isn’t it? A hand-held device that allows communication and provides information in an instant, yet can become a distraction and addiction, if you let it.

As you make plans for the summer, consider taking a break to rest, reflect, and realize what’s most important. Perhaps taking the original intent a little out of context, but Jesus said, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10). Whether it’s your cell phone, your work or any other distraction, don’t let it steal your life. Live a full life, which I’m confident is a life lived in-person with family, friends and face-to-face through relationships.

Start today. Decide to live a full life. What’s preventing you from living your life to the fullest? Find ways to limit those distractions or even remove them. It won’t be easy, but you will be better because of it. Decide, be determined, be disciplined and take it one day at a time.

Make it happen. 


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