Where Are You?

Where are you physically right now? As I mentioned last week, I would be in the mountains of New Mexico (The Land of Enchantment) working at a summer camp and helping kids find hope and live with purpose. On a side note, the book cover photo was taken by my son at White Sands National Park, near Alamogordo, NM. Another enchanting place to visit, if you've not yet made it there. (For photo assistance, consider southwesco.com)

If you are not where you'd like to be physically, why not? Yes, there are limitations, such as commitments for family, work and other factors, but if the past 18 months taught us anything, it is that work does not have to be tied to an office. If you'd like to consider living in another location, make a plan and make it happen. If you simply need to get out of town, see family or friends, and take a break, then GO MAKE SOME MEMORIES!

Another angle to consider is - Where are you mentally or emotionally? Even if you enjoy the blessings of family, friends, great work and a prime location, that does not ensure a positive attitude, a healthy head or as Mary Poppins would say, "a cheery disposition." There are way too many factors that influence us mentally and send our emotions into a tailspin IF we let them.

At another camp in which I worked 2 summers in college, we started every day with the chant, "Zip zip zippy, zap zap zappy, H A P P Y, we're happy!" Even if you're not quite awake in the mornings or have current challenges to overcome, that chant can put a smile on your face and get you started on a positive note. Other things to consider including in your day to reduce the stress and be positive are:

  • Remember you are alive and God loves you

  • Read something beneficial with your first cup of joe

  • Limit or eliminate news, social media or other negative sources

  • Listen to encouraging music

  • Decide to enjoy the day and let others notice

  • Accomplish something that you need to get done

  • Exercise

  • Encourage someone else

Here it is only the first day at camp, but there is already a noticeable difference in most of the kids. Removing cell phones, sharing a meal, speaking words of affirmation, seeing old friends and making new ones, removing negative environments at home, seeing a sunset in the mountains, singing songs of inspiration together, and even the scent of the pines have started us for a great first week of camp. What do you need to change in order to be in a better emotional place?

One more angle to consider - Where are you spiritually? Please pause and consider that question. If you're not where you want to be, prayer is a great place to start. Share your true feelings with God and ask Him to help you change. Engage in a conversation with someone you trust and share your feelings and your interest in growing spiritually with them. If you feel good about where you are spiritually but know someone who is hurting, ask them how they are doing and if you get an "I'm fine," then ask them again. Another question that works well is to ask, "How can I pray for you?"

Where are you? It's summer, time to get out and make at least one memory over the coming weeks. I think you'll be glad you did, so you know what to do...

Make it happen.

But also let me know if I can help. Sincerely.


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