Where in your life are you playing it safe?

We have moved a lot. And not just around the state but even within our current community. We first moved here over 8 years ago and have lived in 6 different houses, so far… Some of you have lived in the same house since birth and cannot fathom moving that often and think we are out of our minds. Well, every time we move I have the same thought, but moving has also served us extremely well and the benefits include:

·      Regular cleansing of stuff, keeping it simple

·      Meeting neighbors and making new friends

·      Using my need to clean, fix and improve things

·      Using my wife’s talents to create and design

·      We are careful and make wise investments

 But if we wanted to avoid all the trouble of buying, fixing, packing, selling, and more, if we wanted to play it safe, sit tight and simply be comfortable, then we would have missed out on adventure, risk and reward, as well as acting on faith.

Buying and selling a house is a major endeavor, but there are other ways you can play it safe. Or choose to act on faith, take a risk, and move out of your comfort zone. Based on examples we have attempted or practiced or have friends who have practiced, consider the following:

1.     Try a new idea to grow business or extend your reach

2.     Pursue a new job or line of work for a needed change

3.     Change your routine to make better use of each day

4.     Visit sick people and their families, even touched them!

5.     Take food to folks who are hurting, let them know you care

 In this new year we are facing new challenges and we have a choice to live in fear or move forward in faith. Hunker down or advance. Play it safe or take a risk. Consider Joshua who led the Israelites into the Promised Land, who said, “Be strong and courageous!” 

As we begin a new week, reflect on where you might be playing it safe and need to take a risk. Don’t over-plan or you might never act. Consider, discuss, pray, then make a move. It might even be called growth!

Adventure awaits, make it happen.

Had it not been the Lord who was on our side

The anger of the enemy would have would have swallowed us alive

Blessed be the Lord who would not give us up

Blessed be the Lord for His unfailing love

The snare is broken and we have escaped

Our help is in the Name of the Lord

(lyrics from Psalm 124)


What’s the loudest voice in your head?


Do You Need to Change Things Up?