Do You Need to Change Things Up?

When I was a kid, I recall the slogan for Avis Car Rental as, “We try harder.” It’s a new year but if you don’t change something up, you will very likely get the same results. Even if you take the Avis slogan and try harder, if you are using the same practices, procedures and routines, things are pretty much gonna stay the same, unless you change.

Most of us have some type of ritual to get the work week started, such as a Monday staff meeting or Monday To Do List for the week. If you’re involved in a staff meeting, especially if you are the leader, try a different approach in 2021. The goal is not just activity, but productivity, which I’ll define as being productive, making a difference or a positive impact. But not simply staying busy and passing time until the work day is over.

Three questions I like to use for evaluation (credit Greg Anderson):

1.     What’s working we need to keep doing?

2.     What’s not working we need to stop doing?

3.     What’s missing we need to start doing?

Ask those questions in your staff meeting in order to find a way to use your time together to be more productive this year. Don’t meet just to meet, be productive. However, one important reason to meet in person is to communicate. Don’t underestimate the need for intentional face to face communication.

If you’re not involved in a weekly staff meeting, but rely on your Monday To Do List, make sure it is working for you. Again, not just a list to keep busy and get stuff done, but let’s make sure we get the right stuff done! Consider these questions when making your list:

·      What deadlines am I facing this week?

·      What do I need/want to have accomplished by Friday?

·      What are the Top 3 things I’d like to do today?

New year, new month, new week, new day. One of my favorite quotes from Ben Franklin,

What good shall I do this day?

What if you only had today? Live like it.

Don’t just try harder. Make it happen.


Where in your life are you playing it safe?


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