Are You Available?

For Christmas I received a copy of Bob Goff’s book, “Dream Big: Know What You Want, Why You Want It and What You’re Going to Do About It.” One chapter is on the topic of availability, which grabbed my attention. 

This time of year, between Christmas and New Year’s, I try to do an evaluation of the past twelve months. I also like to consider ways to improve and set goals for the coming year, call them resolutions if you’d like. One way I’d like to improve in 2021 is to be more available. 

·      Take calls without screening them, at least for known callers

·      Make more time to be with family & friends, less solo time

·      Look for opportunities to meet folks I don’t know

·      Daily communication with my wife and family

·      Meet my neighbors and find ways to get to know them better

I honestly feel like I’m available, but I am confident I can do better. For example, I know the young parents who live across the street and call them by their first names. But I don’t know their last name, nor the names of their 2 boys. I know the couple who live next door, but no one else on the street. I’m friendly, but have not taken the time to get to know people.

There have been valid reasons for withdrawing lately, but they could also be excuses to stay in your comfort zone. Do you act out of fear or faith? If we want to grow socially and get to know as many people as we can, then we must be more available.

A few excerpts from Bob’s book to consider:

·      Availability to one another is a pretty good measure of how available we will be to opportunities.

·      Availability is a reliable predictor of engagement, and engagement is a reliable predictor of success.

·      Have you noticed that busy people who seem to accomplish the most always seem to have time?

·      People don’t follow vision; they follow availability.

·      Jesus didn’t hide from people. Sure, He spent time alone, but it wasn’t long before people showed up.

·      Be available. Talk to everyone. Become their student, not their teacher.

·      Love’s goal isn’t ever efficiency; it’s presence.

But availability is for me and because it is personal, it can become a passion. How about you? What is one area you may have been underwhelming in the past year, but you’d like to do better? In fact, you know you would benefit by being more intentional in that area.

Here’s to a strong finish to 2020 and a challenge for self-improvement 2021.

Let’s make it happen, because I think each of us can make a positive difference in this world!


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