How do you handle the peaks and valleys?

Last week I experienced both. Weds, Dec 16th was our anniversary, but due to commitments, we were unable to celebrate until later Thursday, mostly Friday, which is fitting because we were married on a Friday. My father-in-law was a college basketball coach and he had a game on Saturday, so if we wanted him attending and, more important, his blessing, then the wedding was on Friday!

We enjoyed reflecting on great memories, even during the past year, as well as setting a few goals for 2021. Things were great, until I noticed a sharp pain on my receding hairline at the top of my forehead. Just a much-outdated pimple, which occasionally flare-up due to stress, I was sure. Until it wouldn’t go away. The pain increased, as did the redness, and swelling.

When I woke up Saturday morning, my entire forehead was swollen and the focal point of the problem was looking grim. My wife’s conclusion, “It looks to me like a brown recluse spider bite.” Thanks for your assessment, Honey, but I’m not sure that helps.

However, I do keep several caps in the garage that I use when we walk, or an occasional slog (slow jog). It is conceivable that I slapped on a cap that had a spider in it, which chewed on my pate over the next 30 minutes while we walked…

Regardless of the cause, I needed a cure, so it was an early Saturday morning trip to the Walk-in Clinic, where I got a shot and meds for a staph infection, ugh!

Waiting for an antibiotic to kick-in and start working its magic is not easy for me. But that’s why I got the shot, to fast-track the healing, right? So, what’s the deal, Lucille! All day Saturday things digressed. Sunday no better. I went to bed last night thinking of all the plans this week and what I might have to miss. Honestly, I was more ticked than anything.

But when I woke up this morning, things were better. The pain was disappearing, redness decreasing, swelling down and I’m actually feeling normal, like I need to get stuff done. So, let’s get to work! 

My wife and I praised God for His faithfulness, for hearing our prayer and for His healing.

And the pendulum swings back to the positive, because this week is Christmas. As you know, that does not mean all will go well, and as planned. Not if people are involved (especially if that one uncle comes).

But it’s the people that make this time of year the best. Family and friends, both good and bad, those easy to love and those who are a challenge. Let’s make the best of it and make some memories, OK?

And while we’re at it, let’s all take time to remember THE Christmas Story.

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

Make it a Merry Christmas!


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What’s so wonderful about it?